Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Announcements: We will have two quizzes, none will be dropped. Homework will be assigned.

Homework: None

In class we learned about chemical reactions, and how to solve them. We started the day with atom counting. In atom counting, you have a formula and you count how many of each element there are. Ex. (2C+2O) There are 2 carbons and 2 oxygens in this formula.

Also we studied reactions and how they look. Ex. (N2+O2) the diagram would have both nitrogens attached to each other while the two oxygens will be attched to each other. The reaction is that both nitrogen and oxygen split and go to the opposite. the final balanced formula would be 2NO.

Finally we went over balncing equations. He told us that the whole point is to make both sides equal for it to be balcnced. Also another thing was that the reaction is the product. Ex. 2Al+3Pb(NO3)2 -------> 2Al(NO3)3+3Pb. The numbers in red are what make it even.
Next Scriber: Ross

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