Sunday, January 8, 2012

Coping With Loss

Coping With Loss

1) He studied his dead face for a long time.
2) He didn't know how to react. Should he stay strong or should he show how he truly felt?
3) Of course [we] were scared—[we] were terrified.
4) But,
5) This is no time for false pride.
6) This was always how we dealt with our pain.
7) He wanted, he needed, to hit me. So I let him.
8) Getting mad was how we kept each other safe, how we kept the other from doing something stupid.
9) He wanted to heat up the truth, to make it burn so hot that you would feel exactly what he felt.
10) He sighed heavily as if he couldn't understand how he, how we, had ended up here.
11) "I want you to feel what I felt."


13) The overpowering heartbreak from the terrible loss we endured.
14) How much pain they have cost us, the evils which have never happened.
15) A deep sob came out.
16) How did you do it? What is the answer?
17) I thought about it because I really didn't know how I got over it, myself. It wasn't something I could explain.
18) Every human being must find his own way to cope with severe loss.

1)Their Eyes Were Watching God, Hurston, 87
3) "Sebastian Junger Remembers Tim Hetherington" (Letter)
5) Death Of A Salesman, Miller, 83
7) "Refresh, Refresh", Percy
8) "Sebastian Junger Remembers Tim Hetherington" (Letter)
9) The Things They Carried, Tim O'Brien, 89
10) "Refresh, Refresh", Percy
11) O'Brien, 179
12) Google Images- Coping with Pain
14) Thomas Jefferson
15) Hurston, 86
16) Miller, 84
18) Caleb Carr, Author

Throughout first semester, we have been learning about several themes that relate all of the books, short stories, and other pieces of writing we have read. For this mash-up we had to choose one theme and grab quotes from all of the different pieces we have read in order to create a mash-up that flows smoothly, makes sense, and relates to our theme. I chose coping with loss because I thought all of the works we have read include this and the theme is challenging enough to write a creative mash-up.
After I gathered all of the important quotes I could find, I tried finding ways to put them together. I played around for a while but right away I knew that the first quote I used was definitely going to start off the mash-up. This quote from Their Eyes Were Watching God was a strong quote to begin with because it seems like the mash-up gets right into the action. It is abrupt and short which leaves readers wondering about the dead face "he" studied.
Throughout the rest of my mash-up, some of the quotes directly relate to coping with loss or pain and some are short quotes that add the the flow of my mash-up. I chose to sort of tell a story so while the quotes individually don't make sense, as a whole they flow into one and tell a story. Two guys are talking about how they individually deal with loss and how as a whole, people need to learn to cope with their own pain in their own way. I used short quotes because the tone of this mash-up is sort of confused. How are they supposed to react to loss? How are they bear such a terrible loss by themselves? A lot of the books and short stories that we read had to do with pain or loss and trying to control your emotions and that is why I picked this theme. It relates to almost everything we have read in class and can pull many different quotes together to create a story.
What I thought was cool about this mash-up was that there was no prompt. We had to pick our own theme and had so many options for quotes because of all the pieces we read in class. All of these 18 quotes came from so many different types of writing which makes it a unique project. A lot of the books and short stories that we read had to do with pain or loss and trying to control your emotions and that is why I picked this theme. It relates to almost everything we have read in class and can pull many different quotes together to create a story.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Announcements: noneHomework: answer the questions from the lab, finish the graphs

Today we started Unit 12, we did a lab on the heating curve. For the lab we took down the temperature in degrees Celsius every 30 seconds until our ice melted and boiled, then continued to take the temperature for another 3 minutes after boiling.

My data for the lab was:

After we got our data we had to graph what our heating curved looked like. An example of a heating curve looks like this:

After the lab, we cleaned up our stations, and worked on our hw as mentioned above.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wednesday 2.9.11

Announcements: Instead of having 7 quizzes we'll only have 6. We took a quiz today, and we're taking another  quiz tomorrow
Homework: pg 32-34 due tomorrow, Web assigns, and text questions due before the test 2/15

Today we worked on part one of our lab. We did all of the following steps listed in the picture below. To sum it up, we basically just put copper (II) chloride in water and stirred it until  the copper (II) chloride dissolved. Then we massed the nails and recorded data. After that we put the nails in the solution. We will come back to doing the lab tomorrow.

After we finished part one of the lab, we took a quiz on limiting reactants. When we finished the quiz, we used the rest of the class time to work on our homework. (pg 32-34, mentioned in bold above)

Next Scriber: Maddy M.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Announcements: Study for upcoming quizzes. if you missed Friday's(2/4/11) quiz, make that up as soon as you can!

Homework: journal page 27 #2, 29, 30, & 31

Today we learned more about limiting reactants; what they are, how to find out which one is the limiting one between two reactants, and also, a little more on how to draw the reaction with the product and its excess.

A limiting factor is something that you only have a limited supply, and then have a greater amount of something(s) else, so you can only make a certain amount of the product.

To find the limiting factors, its exactly the same as Stoichiometry, you are just take it one step farther because you are searching for something different in the end. but as a review, you must convert two different reactants into one common reactant. So to start, you will sometimes or usually have one reactant in its state of mass, you then convert it into moles, followed by moles of the common reactants. Sometimes, from here you can convert to the mass, but it really depends on the following question. You then do the same thing to the second reactant, so you should have two equations in the end. Finally, you get your two usual outcomes, just like Stoich, but with those two answers you decide which one is smaller, and the reactant that you started that equation, with the smaller answer, is the limiting reactant.

Below is a picture of an example that shows this process with actual reactants.

Since 0.065 is smaller than 0.5, that makes O2 the limiting factor
Here are some more examples of limiting reactants we did in class.
For drawing out a limited reaction, you start with the equation you are given and the two reactants that you need to determined which is the limiting reactant. You draw out your given amounts of each, and then pair them up for the out come. Which ever one does not have excess, that is the limiting reactant.
This is a picture to help show a drawn out version of limiting reactants.

Thursday, February 3, 2011



Announcements: There will be a quiz tomorrow reviewing Stoich with Density.
**Remember** If you get 100% on 5-7 quizzes, you will get extra credit points so study hard.

Homework: Finish page 23 and 24

In class we reviewed Stoich. Page 20, "Stoich 3" was our homework but it was kind of hard because it involved density. So in class we also started to learn Stoich with Density (page 23). Mr. Paek taught us how to convert using density like milliliters per grams. A good example of a tough problem that might be on the quiz is shown below (since I can't upload pictures, I just typed it up).


EQUATION: C2H6O + 3O2 ---> 2CO2 + 3H2O

2. c) If the density of O2 is 0.00143 g/ml, what mass of ethanol will be needed to react with 950 ml of O2?

950 ml * .00143g of O2 // 1 ml of O2 * 1 mol of O2 // 32g of O2 * 1 mol of ethanol // 3 mol of O2 * 46g of ethanol// 1 mol of ethanol = .65g of ethanol

*** Things to remember:
1. If it says g/ml, that means you start with one of them (in ^^ that case, ML) and put the other unit (^^ Grams) on top.
2. Make sure your units always cancel out. If you have Grams on top, you have to have grams on bottom in the next one.
3. Use the equation to look at how many moles each unit will need to react with the one above or below it
4. Always write the elements name (for ex: 3 mols of >C2H6O<) after how many units it is, UNLESS you want to lose points on a quiz :)

You can refer back to previous posts for more examples on how to do normal stoich without density.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Announcement: None

Homework: None

Today we started with taping in about 30 or more sheets on the new unit. After that we took the quiz on the mole equations. Once everyone was done, Mr. Paek introduced the unit of stoichamerty, but we didn't really get through much. We learned that it's basically like the mole equations, but instead of moles you would switch it for atoms.
Example worksheet:

You can refer back to the previous post to better understand whats on the worksheet.

Next Sciber-Brandon

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Announcements: Study for tomorrows mole quiz and the other upcoming quizzes.

Homework: Journal pages 7-8

Today we started with a new mole lab, testing the mass of different elements, how many moles are in the molecule and how many molecules are in the mole. For each of these ways you have to use conversion factors.

For example finding how many moles in krypton.

2.7 x 10^14 x 1mol/6.02 x 10^23
=4.49 x 10^-14

Also finding how many atoms are in an mol.

Ex. Aluminum atoms
89.35 x 6.02 x 10^23/1mol

= 5.38 x 10^15

Next Scriber- Peter